Mr. Mitchel Witt » Scientific Research Syllabus

Scientific Research Syllabus

Course Syllabus


Course:  Scientific Research; This course will lean heavily on lab work.  There will many handouts and lectures will be oriented to prepare the student for the lab experience and to provide background so that the student will be able to understand what is covered in lab.  Topics will include:  chemistry, biology, physics, geology, astronomy, agriculture and forestry, astronomy, and meteorology.  This will also include topics that the class picks to study.

No Book

Course Outline:

  1. Syllabus
    Course: Scientific Research; This course will lean heavily on lab work. There will many handouts and lectures will be oriented to prepare the student for the lab experience and to provide background so that the student will be able to understand what is covered in lab. Topics will include: chemistry, biology, physics, geology, astronomy, agriculture and forestry, astronomy, and meteorology. This will also include topics that the class picks to study.
    No Book
    Course Outline:
    I. Measurements
    A. Precision
    B. Accuracy
    C. Conversions
    D. Units of measure
    II. Microscopes
    A. Basic Use of a Microscope
    B. Living things
    C. Non-living things
    D. Forensics
  2.            III. Acids and Bases
    A. pH measurements
    B. Common acids and bases that you come in contact with in day to day living
    IV. Basic Electricity and Electronics
    A. AC vs DC
    B. House wiring
    C. Basic Electronics
    V. Basic Geology
    A. Different types of Rocks
    B. Rock Formation
    C. Mountain Building
    D. Plate Tectonics
    E. Soil Science
    VI. Astronomy
    A. Orientation and Movements of the Earth
    B. Moon Phases
    C. Planets
    D. Stars
    E. Big Bang
    VII. Agriculture and Forestry
    A. Crops
    B. Farming
    C. Forestry
    VIII. Basic Meteorology

    Evaluation: I will follow the guidelines for grading as set down in the County Handbook and Board Policy.
    Cell Phone usage: Cell phones will be allowed to use a calculator and to look up information on the internet. Getting on social media will not be allowed and will be grounds for taking up the cell phone and turning into the office.
    Masks: Masks must be worn when students are working in groups or with a partner. Generally they are not required when in a lecture as we will be social distancing.
    Lab Fee: A $10 lab fee will be used to purchase materials that we will be using in labs. This will be due within the first three weeks of the semester.
    Make-up work will be allowed and I will follow county policy as regards to makeup work and retakes.
    Safety is a big concern and safety guidelines will be given with each lab as deemed appropriate by the instructor. Any student acting in an unsafe manner will be removed from the class until such time as I the instructor think necessary.


Evaluation:  I will follow the guidelines for grading as set down in the County Handbook and Board Policy.


Cell Phone usage:  Cell phones will be allowed to use a calculator and to look up information on the internet.  Getting on social media will not be allowed and will be grounds for taking up the cell phone and turning into the office.


Masks:  Masks must be worn when students are working in groups or with a partner.  Generally they are not required when in a lecture as we will be social distancing.


Lab Fee:  A $10 lab fee will be used to purchase materials that we will be using in labs.  This will be due within the first three weeks of the semester.


Make-up work will be allowed and I will follow county policy as regards to makeup work and retakes.


Safety is a big concern and safety guidelines will be given with each lab as deemed appropriate by the instructor.  Any student acting in an unsafe manner will be removed from the class until such time as I the instructor think necessary.


Google Classroom codes
Sci. Res. 7 period
Sci. Res period