Pitner Peals » WORLD HISTORY


 WEEK 1  8/10-8/14.  Locate the Review Unit in your text titled A Global View: Early Civilizations. Read page 2-7 (Sections 1 &2). Do the Assessment Questions on page 5 and page 7. Then write a brief summary of each section highlighting the critical information. 
WEEK 2 8/17-8/21 Draw and label you own version of the map on page 7 including the map key . What does the map show you about the reach of the Egyptian Kingdom?
Read page 8-9 and answer the Assessment questions at the end. 
On page 10 after examining the Key Stages of Human Development Chart choose one item from each segment and in two to three sentences explain why you feel it was most important on the list.
Do the assignments indicated in the instructions below. You will be covering one chapter per week. Be sure that in addition to doing the assignments you read each chapter. Assignments: All work assigned for those students who are working from home will correspond to the current chapter we are studying in the classroom. Therefore, it will be necessary for the student to determine where the at-school classes are in their course of study. in every chapter your work from home will consist of the following: START  WITH CHAPTER 2.
1. Objective Questions from each section. These are found at the beginning of each section and are identified simply as "Objectives". YOU are to take each stated objective and consider it in the form of a question. Answers will be constructed based on the reading material in that particular section.
2. Terms, People, and Places from each section. These are located at the beginning of each section immediately below the Objective statements. You are to define each based in the reading of the text
. 3. Checkpoint Questions. At the end of each reading segment you will find a question labeled "Checkpoint". You are to write the answer to each question.
4. Assessment Questions. At the end of each section in the chapter you will find a series of questions labeled "Assessment Questions". Within those questions there will be a number of questions under the heading "Comprehension and Critical Thinking". You are to answer each question.
5. Chapter Assessment. This is always found at the end of the chapter. Here you are to answer the "Terms, People, and Places" section, then the "Main Ideas" section. ** Always be sure and contact school to find out where the regular classroom students are in the course of study so you are doing the work for the appropriate chapter . Basically if you do one chapter per week during your absence you will be on track to rejoin the class when you return.