Mr. Mitchel Witt » Economics - Periods 1 and 2

Economics - Periods 1 and 2

Class Syllabus

SYLLABUS FOR ECONOMICS                 DATE:  Fall, 2020                                    PREPARED BY M. WITT

 High School Credit:  ½ credit for one semester of work.

General Description:  An introductory course where the general principles of macro and micro economics will be presented.  Included will be a basic history of economics, laws of supply and demand, banking, money supply, Federal Reserve, personal finance, governmental measures of the economy, financial markets, and business organization.


Text:  Prentice Hall Economics.  2013.   Arthur O’Sullivan and Steven M. Sheffrin.  Pearson Publishers. 


General Course Outline:  Students will receive handouts over most of this material.

Introduction to Economics


Laws of Supply and Demand


Business Organization


Personal Finances


Money, Banking and Financial Markets


Governmental Measures of the Economy


Taxes, governmental spending and fiscal policy


Federal Reserve and other Governmental Agencies and how they came about


Global Economy




Course Evaluation:

     Nine Week Grades

          Major Tests……………………………………………………………………………………………40%

          Assignments and Projects ……………………………………………………………………….30%

          Quizzes …………………………………………………………………………………………………..30%


Grading Scale:  I will follow the grading scale as written in County Handbook.



  1. Obviously students are expected to attend classes.
  2. Schedule all dr. appointments and any other outside activities so as to not interfere with school.
  3. Students are responsible for all makeup work.  According to County Policy, students have three days after their first day back to complete any tests or quizzes they may have missed.


Cell Phones:

  1.   I will follow all County Policy guidelines.
  2. Just to make clear.  I will take up any phone that I see in my classroom.


The teacher reserves the right to modify this syllabus as the need arises.

Class code for First period   wzcx7il
Class code for Second period  srtvpbk